4th of July fun......we went to Grandma and Grandpa Kjar's and had fun doing all of the small town festivities. The boys loved it because their cousins, Summer, Anna, and Megan (who live in New York) were there!

They loved playing on the big blow up things at the Aurora park.

It was Seth's 5th birthday on June 28th! He had a great one!

He had a "Cars" party and they made their own cars and had races in our circle.

This is Matt's family up in Ashton, ID for his Grandma Stronk's funeral.

The boys had a lot of fun at Lagoon a few weeks ago!

We went to Lava Hot Springs for the Kjar reunion and we had a lot of fun. This is Matt and Jackson going off of the 2nd platform!

Here's Spencer going off of the high dive!