Jackson placed in his age group for 3-D arts! He built a school out of scraps of wood that we had from the basement and he painted it. He has his Dad's talent of putting things together! It's moving on to the next level or we would have a picture of it. Great job Jackson!

Spencer also placed in his age group for visual arts. He painted a picture of the sun and planets and it's moving on as well. Spencer has always loved art and he is talented. We are so proud of you Spence!
Jackson and Spencer great job on your art projects. Thats Awesome!!! I can't wait to see your art work, once you get it back.
Way to go guys! I can't wait to see your projects. I am so proud of you guys for placing. I always wanted to but never did. You two got all the talent in the family. :)
And awesome job on the pinewood derby jackson. Your car looked sweet. Have you guys seen "down and derby?" It is pretty funny.
good job guys! You'll have to take pictures of their projects--I bet they were awesome!
Good job guys! That is very cool!
Great job Jackson and Spencer and Matt and Becky. It's so much work for parents to supervise reflections work b/c of all the rules and stuff. You guys are awesome.
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