Thursday, January 29, 2009


For all of you who don't know....I am expecting! I'm 9 weeks today (due Sept. 3rd) and we are all very excited. I have been sick, but I am hanging in there. Morning sickness (or all day sickness) isn't fun, but I keep reminding myself that it is worth it. The boys are excited and at first wanted a sister, but now they all want another brother so we will see if we will complete our basketball team or not!


The Morgan Clan said...

Oh I don't envy you. Morning sickness is the worst!!! I am hoping that mine will be ending soon. I am about sick and tired of being sick and tired. Good luck!! We saw Mandy's baby today and it really gets me excited.

Heidi Kjar said...

Congrats again! We are happy for you and hope you start feeling better VERY soon- there is NO worse feeling than yucky morning sickness. I am starting to feel sick just thinking about it!

Mari Kjar said...

we are all so curious... j/k. i'm sorry you're feeling yuck. if i can do ANYTHING for you, let me know. i'm here for ya (at least for 3 more weeks!!) love ya

Amber Baker said...

Oh Becky! How exciting for you! Congrats! We were always a little afraid of a boy--fear of the unknown, but we would have taken one just the same. Here's hoping for healthy and happy!

Jami said...

Yeah for you! Is a girl scary after four boys? Congratulations! I hope you feel better soon!

Melanie Anne said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and hope you are feeling better! I will be excited to hear if you join us in the 5 boys club!

Borders Family said...

Congratulations!! I will be praying for a girl for you. That would be one spoiled girl! I hope you get feeling better soon.

Unknown said...

That's exciting! I am also expecting May 11. We are having a boy. So maybe the stars have aligned this year.

Heidi said...

That's exciting, Becky! Congratulations! Hope your morning sickness goes by quickly and that everything else goes well. You have a handsome crew of boys and can't go wrong with a fifth boy or a first girl!

Shelly said...

CONGRATULATIONS! We are so excited for you! 5 boys are pretty fabulous! Our boys were the same when we were expecting #5... they had wanted a sister and then decided 5 boys was a better accomplishment! :0) We miss you guys!

Rachel said...

Congrats! I've got admit I'm pulling for a little girl! I hope you get feeling better soon. We've got to meet for lunch again sometime soon. Annie keeps asking when we are seeing you at McDonalds again. Check your schedule. XXOO