Friday, March 6, 2009

We're Back!

We now have our computer back after getting rebuilt. We lost our hard drive which was the worst news ever because we lost about 3 years of pictures that we didn't back up. A word to the wise....make sure you back up your pictures. You never know when you will lose your hard drive. It makes me sad--at least I hadn't cleared our memory card in our camara since Sept. so that was a blessing. I'm having a hard time uploading my pictures and so I will try again soon.


Lighting Our Steps said...

Hi Guys! We're so sorry to hear about you losing your pictures:( We're counting down the days until we go to Disney World. Summer was talking yesterday about her cousin Seth and how when they were at grandma's they "sneaked treats" and then hid to eat them.

Maria said...

SAAADDDD! Cute pictures. Seths expressions always crack me up.

LJB said...

I'm so sad for you! What a nightmare! Maybe you can get pictures from family or friends that you did things with or went on vacations with! But what a pain! UGH!