Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Busy and Fun Week...

Jackson was baptized today! It was such a great day and we are so proud of him. We had a lot of family come and we missed those that couldn't be there, but you were there in spirit!
We had a great Halloween! Thanks to Matt's work he and I had costumes. They always dress up for Halloween and visit dentists. The kids were Woody, Prince Caspian, a Commando guy, and a dragon. The weather was so nice. I think it was the warmest Halloween I ever remember.

Jackson turned eight on the 28th and he had a great Birthday! He invited some friends and we went and saw High School Musical 3!


Amber Baker said...

I can't believe he's 8! That is crazy! You guys looked like awesome little hippies--oh and the kids are pretty cute too!

Maria said...

I am so proud of jackson for getting baptized that is so awesome. It is weird to think he is old enough though. I wish we could have been there. Thanks for posting a picture so fast.
The halloween picture is great. Everyone looks good and I like the costumes, but I must say Seths expression is the best. He has the cutest little face! And Please Tell Jackson we Hope he had a wonderful birthday!

Lighting Our Steps said...

Jackson, we are so excited that you were baptized and wish that we could have been there. You have grown into such a handsome and kind young man. We love you.

Borders Family said...

Congratulations, Jackson! What a busy week for you guys. I LOVE your costume, Becky. You looked adorable. Halloween just brings out the fun in everyone...that's why we love it so much! BTW- You are turning into quite the blogging queen with all your posts. I can barely keep up :)

Cheryl said...

Hey I think you had an outfit like that in high school! I can't believe you actually suffered through High School Musical 3. I think I might have DIED. Such is the life as the Mom, eh?

Monica Miles said...

Busy week, but so much fun. It was fun to be at Jackson's baptism and see you all on Halloween. You definitely get the prize for best costumes.

Heidi Kjar said...

Oh Becky the costumes are awesome! I love you as a hippy- you look so darn cute! all of the costumes are great. Congrats to Jackson too on his big day- I'm glad Jer made it down for the fun that day:).

Melanie Anne said...

Happy Birthday Jackson and congratulations on your baptism! Your party sounds fun! And I love all your Halloween costumes!!

Miles Family said...

Thanks for inviting us to the movie. Kylie and I had so much fun!

Miles Family said...
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Jami said...

I renenber Jackson as this two year old navigating the computer better than I can. it's so weird he's getting baptized. that makes Emma that much closer. This goes way too fast.

James and Katrina said...

Congrats! It's great to be 8!
We just invited you to our blog: mathdinos. Hope you're all well and have a Happy Thanksgiving---Your cousin, Katrina